Today at pickup, I was standing at the door of Donny's school speaking to another mother when I noticed something inside the classroom. An open jar of peanut butter was sitting on top of the kiddie table. I interrupted my conversation and said to the mother, "Is that a jar of peanut butter." "Yes it is! Is your child allergic?" I explained that Donny was allergic to peanut butter and milk.
We started to discuss the first day of school. I remember walking in the door and seeing her give her child a cheese stick from the refrigerator. I remember looking at her in horror because I thought the school allowed all the little crumb snatchers to roam around with dairy products. I was frightened for Donny. Well, this poor woman told me she thought that she had accidentally taken Donny's snack and that I was angry with her. She has been worried about this for months. She mentioned a conversation we had about Halloween costumes and thought that I must have gotten over the missing cheese stick.
Cheese stick lady and I were discussing the open jar of peanut butter and what course of action I should take when the teacher brought Donny out to me. When Donny and I returned home, I informed Big Daddy and Aunt
Kee what I had witnessed. Next thing I know Big Daddy and I are in the car on the way to school. I was relived to see cheese stick lady was still there. Donny's teacher saw us and asked what was wrong. We told here we needed to talk about the open jar of peanut butter. She replied, "Oh Miss C's. She was eating that for lunch." Now you will be shocked to find out that Miss C is the owner and director of the school. In my head I was screaming, "REALLY! REALLY! THE DIRECTOR IS EATING PEANUT BUTTER IN HER SCHOOL??? SHE KNOWS MY SON IS ALLERGIC! WHAT IS SHE THINKING? SHE CAN'T BE THAT STUPID!"
Big Daddy and I explained the dangers of having an open jar of peanut butter in the room and went over his other allergies with them again. Donny's teacher seemed shocked when we mentioned he was also allergic to beef, ON HIS MEDICAL FORM....DOES ANYONE READ THE MEDICAL FORM??? We knew another Miss C last year who would never let any of this happen in her school. I miss that Miss C!