Just Another Day in Dover was created to document the crazy happenings in our day to day life.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Not My Fault
Donny was having a difficult time sitting on his chair during dinner last night. Big Daddy sent Donny to his room. When he returned to the table, Donny explained the problem. It wasn't his fault, the house was spinning and he fell out of his chair. How do we argue with his logic when we are left speechless?
Tea Party
Abigail and Ashley had a tea party in Abigail's room this morning. Abigail insisted on wearing her "Cinderella" dress and needed a castle before the party could begin. She is really taking to the role of a princess. The other day as she was walking down the hall, she declared, "The princess is coming."
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Donny walked through the room while I was cleaning, took a big sniff of the air and said, "Wow Mama, that poison smells good!"
I'm Over It!
Big Daddy took a photo of the car thermometer this morning while taking Donny to school, -15. I can no longer take the cold. I will have to suck it up of course because it is only January. The high today was 9 degrees and there is a storm brewing for the next two days. I really want to board the next plane for any place above 60 degrees.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Back to School
Not Fair
Abigail told Big Daddy and I off two nights in a row from about two a.m. to three a.m. The first night she awoke angry because her baby book was on the bathroom floor. When I finally realized what she wanted, I got out of bed, took her the book and went back to bed. The second night she was even more upset. "IT'S NOT FAIR! I WANT TO SLEEP IN THE BIG GIRL BED! You hurt my heart, I'm sad." She wouldn't stop. As Big Daddy and I were listening to her tell us off, I couldn't help but think what trouble we are in for, she's only two and already using the "It's not fair" line.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Many Errors
I would like to apologize for the many errors I have made when typing my entries. I was just going through some old posts and was very shocked to find so many mistakes. I found: you're instead of your, to rather than too and many more. I know better and should reread my work several times or try to blog in the morning rather than at night after a long day with the kids.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
It Was Me
I was sitting on the side of the tub while giving Abigail her bath. My knee hit the toilet, the lid and seat bumped together and made a noise. Abigail said, "What was that?!" I said, "Oh, that was me." To which she replied, "Say 'scuse me Mommy."
Okay, my laptop has once again died. I am praying that my computer guru will be able to save my photos. I will be without a computer for a few more days. It is probably for the best considering we are moving back to the north tomorrow. We have spent the past few days driving back and forth preparing the house, I'm tired. The kids are so excited to be back in their rooms. Abigail is going back to a new room. Big Daddy painted and put in a new floor. I will post photos soon.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Snow, Snow, Snow!
Just in time for our transition back to the old homestead! We are expecting 8 to 14 inches. The snow from the blizzard just became manageable. I guess that's what we get for living in the northeast. There is a reason I spend entirely too much time looking at vacation rentals.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Just A Minute...
As Donny was walking up the stairs wearing a miners headlamp, Big Daddy told him to put on his coat. Donny turned to us and replied, "Just a minute Dad. I'm helping Abigail turn on the light upstairs because it is dark and ominous." Big Daddy and I stood there in shock, did he really just say that? Then we asked him what it meant and he said, "Dark and scary." That just about says it all.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Grand Central
I took the kids to Grand Central today to see the train exhibit at the Transit Museum. I didn't tell them we were going until Big Daddy dropped us at the train station. I decided not to take a stroller, I wanted to walk the energy right out of them. Grandpa was actually the one who showed us where it was located. All those years walking through Grand Central and I didn't know it existed. Grandpa really wanted me to take Donny to see the holiday display, so today was the day.
Donny is fascinated with the soldiers that patrol the station. He always wants to say hello to each one and I try to let him. Today he walked right up to one and said, "Hi! Thank you for protecting our country." I was so proud of him and so sad, because the solider only heard him say hi, but Donny didn't realize.
When the two of them started to get a little crazy, I bought both of them a pretzel and we boarded our train. Needless to say, I had two very tired little munchkins. A good day!
Donny is fascinated with the soldiers that patrol the station. He always wants to say hello to each one and I try to let him. Today he walked right up to one and said, "Hi! Thank you for protecting our country." I was so proud of him and so sad, because the solider only heard him say hi, but Donny didn't realize.
When the two of them started to get a little crazy, I bought both of them a pretzel and we boarded our train. Needless to say, I had two very tired little munchkins. A good day!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year!!
I hope all of my followers, the three of you, are having a wonderful start to the new year. I have already ruined my resolution of patience this morning at the grocery store. I decided to break my rule, which always backfires, and allow the kids to ride in the car grocery cart. As I started to push the cart, both kids started screaming that I hadn't put on their seat belts. I took a deep breath and told them that I wasn't going to be pushing them fast enough for seat belts and I didn't anticipate any accidents in the aisles. Then I heard a woman laughing and I looked up to see the customer service lady getting quite the laugh at my expense. I just smiled and took off at lighting speed, caution to the wind.
By the time we were checking out, Donny had been bit, beaten and scratched, there is a reason we call Abigail spicy. When we returned home, Abigail did her time in time out and we had lunch. I was thrilled when nap time rolled around, however a half an hour later she was up and ready to go. I had to do something, so I dressed everyone and we headed to the firehouse, a short five blocks away. OMG! It took us about 45 minutes to get there. I can never accuse my children of not taking the time to smell the roses. I even took a short video of an example. Half way there, we came upon a car with windows down, music blaring and owner MIA. I stopped filming, but they continued to dance.

By the time we were checking out, Donny had been bit, beaten and scratched, there is a reason we call Abigail spicy. When we returned home, Abigail did her time in time out and we had lunch. I was thrilled when nap time rolled around, however a half an hour later she was up and ready to go. I had to do something, so I dressed everyone and we headed to the firehouse, a short five blocks away. OMG! It took us about 45 minutes to get there. I can never accuse my children of not taking the time to smell the roses. I even took a short video of an example. Half way there, we came upon a car with windows down, music blaring and owner MIA. I stopped filming, but they continued to dance.
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