
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So Sweet

Donny walked up to Abigail holding a bouquet of dandelions. He handed the flowers to Abigail and said, "May I have this dance." Then he took two flowers put them in Abigail's hair, took another and placed it in his shirt and then they danced.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Donny had his first T-ball practice last night. When he returned, he ran into the house and said to me, "My dreams came true!" I was so happy that he enjoyed T-ball, I was a bit worried about the team aspect. I told him how happy I was that he had fun at T-ball. He replied, "Oh, not T-ball. I met two girls and now I have four girlfriends which means I can have four wives."


I took the kids to see Rio on Wednesday. I didn't tell them where we were going until we arrived at our destination. Getting out of the house was quite the effort. Abigail wasn't leaving unless she was wearing her Snow White dress, which was fine with me, but she didn't want to wear anything under the dress and it was cold. I found Donny going through the dirty laundry looking for his handsome outfit. Luckily, I washed everything the night before. I arrived at the theatre on time with Snow White and handsome boy, who by the way decided to add binoculars to look for girls.

Tummy Ache

Abigail was in the bathroom last night brushing her teeth. She grabbed the Hannah Montana toothpaste and started to sucking. I took it away from her and informed her she would get a tummy ache. Abigail disappeared ten minutes later. I called for her, " Abigail, Abigail where are you?" She replied, "I'm getting a tummy ache." I found her in the bathroom sucking on the toothpaste.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Donny was having breakfast when Big Daddy mentioned the two of them were going to the Tractor Store and then to the grocery. Donny finished his breakfast, ran to his room and yelled over his shoulder' "Nobody look at me." When Donny emerged from his room this is what he was wearing: I asked him why he was dressed so handsome and he replied, "Girls!" I guess you never know who your going to run into while food shopping.

Friday, April 15, 2011

They're Not Working

Abigail gets very upset when her things "are not working." If her sock is falling off, it's not working. If she can't zip her coat, it's not working. Today before school, the kids were playing in Abigail's room. When the came running out, Abigail was wearing her fairy wings and Donny was wearing her tutu. She ran past me and returned several seconds later in tears. "They're not working!" I fixed the straps and put them back on her shoulders thinking I helped her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "I can't fly. They're not working." I was so sad for her, but was able to distract her and she moved on to something else.

Good Times

Donny's teacher approached me today about an incident on the playground. Apparently, the boys were getting a bit rough and she spoke to them about their behavior. That is when my son said, "We were just having good, clean fun."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Abigail's Prayer

Found Photos

I was downloading Abigail's prayer when I realized there were more Florida photos. I know that if I post photos here, I will never lose them if my computer dies again.
Donny spent quite a bit of time building his Lego set standing in this spot.

Abigail's bedroom. Big Daddy and I caught Donny in our bathroom using the hairdryer as a gun and watching himself in the mirror.

Donny's bedroom. Donny and Mickey in Orlando ready to fly home.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Beast

Abigail watched Beauty and the Beast today. When Papa arrived at the Beasts' castle to seek shelter for the night, Abigail yelled at the television, "NO! Don't do it!"

Dairy Free

We have Abigail on the same diet as Donny so he doesn't accidentally ingest milk. Every once and awhile, we will give Abigail something with milk. Today I made her Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for lunch. She took one bite, looked at me and said, "What is this?" She was a very happy little girl.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wave Runner

Cocoa Beach

Split Hump Day

We decided to split up on Wednesday. Big Daddy and Donny went to look at a private plane collection while Abigail and I spent the day at the club house pool. Everyone had a really great day.

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Son

Coming out of the Hall of Presidents.
I don't think they trust him.

Donny made Big Daddy and I smile when he told us his favorite part of the day. He loved driving the car at the speedway, but he second choice really got to us. Big Daddy and I decided to stop at the Hall of Presidents thinking Donny might like it because he loves to read about the Presidents. George Washington is his hero. I am stalking George Washington's 1778 headquarters which is down the road from Donny's school. He asks to drive past the building at least three times a week. Big Daddy and Donny spent twenty minutes listening to the Presidents talk and Donny loved every minute.


Abigail and I waited in line for about an hour to see the princesses. She was so good and so patient until we were allowed to enter the room with the princesses. Abigail ran straight to Bell. I had to pick her up and take her back to the line. I ran out of space on my camera card just before we went to see Cinderella. Abigail ran up to her, gave her a big huge and said, "I've missed you." Then she lifted Cinderella's dress to see her shoes. We saved this for last because how can you top meeting your dream? What a wonderful day!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Keep Rolling

If there is a next time, I will film just a bit longer. It seems my children need more time to process what they hear. Moments after I stopped filming, they realized what was happening and were very happy.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Come On!

Dear Mother Nature:
Please, please, please let this snow be your idea of a cruel joke for April Fool's Day. It doesn't look as if we are going to get the 3-6 inches predicted. I would like to thank you for the sleepless night since I woke every two hours and felt the need to look out the window. For reasons I will discuss later, I REALLY needed Donny to go to school today. Thank heavens school will be open. Please get this storm out of here and bring on the blue sky's...tomorrow is a big day for us. (The few of you who know, please don't spoil what I hope to be an awesome video.) One last thing...As Abigail walked into the family room this morning, I told her to look out the window expecting a two year old to be thrilled with the snow. However, she took one look, stomped her foot and yelled YUCK! My thoughts exactly.