My last post was 2179 days or five years, 11 months and 17 days ago . Is anyone still out there? I am considering returning to blogging. I honestly could not have predicted the return of the blog, so much time has past. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever consider returning. The truth is, the kids have started a campaign, they are requesting the return. In one of my last posts, I predicted how they would feel about the blog when they were older. ~
March 13, 2014 "I began this blog for two reasons. The first was to update my family in Ohio. The second happened because I would tell my mother stories of my day with Donny, she would tell her friends at lunch and they didn't really believe her so I started photographing and blogging. The blog slowly became a love letter to the kids so that one day they would read this and know that I found them to be intelligent, witty, creative and loving children. Of course, they won't like me or the blog that much while they are in high school but who cares?"
Although they are not quite in high school, they are old enough to be embarrassed by the blog. Quite frankly, I am surprised by their reaction, they love reading the entries. Last night we spent two hours reading the entries and reminiscing. I went to bed thinking how grateful I am that I began blogging. I know there were probably a total of five constant readers at the time I was posting daily, but as I look back, I realize it was always truly about two readers who couldn't even read when I started. So, that brings me to today. Do I dive into the blogging world again? How do I begin? Review the past 2179 days? Begin with present? How will I make this work? Will I be able to breath new life into this blog? There are many things to consider and questions to ask but I do know I am still here, are you?