It's official!!! I have become THAT mother. The mother who lets her son do basically anything in playgroup. Now don't get me wrong, I won't allow him to hurt others or put himself in danger. The big problem today was the slide. I allow Donny to go down the slide any way he chooses minus running down. I must let everyone know that Big Daddy has been taking Donny every week since Abigail was born. By the way, the mothers were quite disappointed to see me today. I was not aware of the other mother's feelings concerning the slide. On your
tushy only! Since every child was being scolded for going down on their tummy (following Donny's lead), I told Donny
tushy only. The instructor overheard me and then proceeded to give me a lecture, nice but firm, on the advantages of letting Donny go down the slide anyway he wanted. Adventure is beneficial to young children and so on. I looked around to see if the other mothers were listening to this valuable and important information, not one. I tried to tell the instructor that I don't mind, but I didn't want the other children to get in trouble. She was understanding, but failed to tell the other mothers slides are for fun. Now I'm in a pickle. Do I allow Donny to go slide wild or do I conform to the others?