We attended our lovely niece's sixth birthday party yesterday. For the Ohio readers who are not aware of the New York style birthday party, think after The Oscars extravagance. I have been to parties for a one year old that had a full open bar. Most parents go out of their way to out do the last party their child attended, but not my sister in law. She and I have had many discussions concerning the insanity of the cost of these birthday parties. Cost is one thing, but when the insanity involves the guest, the planning parents need to stop and think. I know that my niece has traveled to Long Island and New Jersey for birthday parties, she went to school with both children. Why, why, why? I really shouldn't ask too many questions and I know what you are thinking...doesn't she have a fire engine sitting in her driveway? Yes, we are capitalizing on the crazy loony people of party madness.
So anyway, the party yesterday was held at a Build a Bear store in the
Westchester Mall. What a great idea, the children each made a bear, played a quick game then off to the food court for pizza and cake. Donny didn't know what to think. We have a rule about inside/outside voice and the "
pawsome party leader" continually yelled, "Louder guys, I can't hear you!" Donny asked to leave several times and all he really wanted to do was give his teddy a bath, which each child was permitted to do for only ten seconds. I didn't think Donny was very interested in his new teddy, but on the ride home Donny was in love.
When we returned home, Donny ran to his bed to get Big Teddy and Little Teddy, introductions were made. Donny requested extra plates for dinner because Big Teddy and Teddy would be joining us. A few hours later Donny, Big Teddy, Teddy and Little Teddy were all sound asleep. A
beary good day indeed.