What a great weekend! The weather was beautiful and company great. Donny was so happy to have his cousin at the house to play with, his cousin on the other hand is probably tired of hearing her name. The nice weather allowed the kids to play outside most of the weekend. I can't remember having such a nice time outside since we have lived here. Usually, the bugs are so bad we can't stand to be in the yard. I am hoping that all of Big Daddy's hard work is paying off, drainage system in, bugs gone. I have my fingers crossed.
We went for a nice long ride on the fire engine yesterday morning, Abigail's first ride. She fell asleep roughly ten minutes into the ride and woke as we were backing into the driveway. Donny took his nap with Big Daddy, he was so sad when he woke from his nap and the house was empty. However, he was happy to have his bed back last night after letting Grandma have his room for the visit. Yesterday morning, after a very rough night on the blow-up bed, Donny told me, "Next time, Grandma's sleepin' on the couch!" He sounded just like his father.