The bank was the first stop and Donny talked the entire time. "Mama please ask the lady for a sticker. Is she giving me a sticker? Did you ask for a sticker? Mama please ask the lady for a sticker. Is she giving me a sticker? Did you ask for a sticker?" Luckily the woman heard him a gave him a sticker, I didn't want hear about a sticker for the rest of the day.
When we got to the vet, I put Abigail in the carrier on my chest and held Donny's hand. Very easy stop, just picking up allergy medicine. Yes, our dog takes allergy medicine because she is allergic to grass. There is a woman with a dog on lap in the waiting room. "This is my Abigail. She's my sister. I got a sticker at the bank." As Donny was telling her his life story, the door to the examining room opened and a woman and her teenage daughter came out carrying an empty pet carrier. They were both crying. I pulled Donny closer to me to divert his attention, but it didn't work. "Why is she sad? Where is her dog? Why is the cage empty?" Moments before we arrived, the doctor put their 11 year old dog down and my son wants all the details. They followed us out the door and Donny asked me questions the entire way. Those poor people!
I won't bore you with the next two stops, they were just as chatty. Just before we drove out of the parking lot to go home, a man in a pickup pull in the space next to us. "Mama please open my door so I can say hi to that man." An hour and a half later we returned home.
You should have turned around when you saw the mouse head :)
ReplyDeleteIf Ashley didn't need her medication, I would have stayed home.
ReplyDeleteI saw that head before I went to work. Gross
ReplyDeleteThanks Big Daddy, you couldn't throw it in the bushes for me? You know how much I love mouse parts clean up.
ReplyDeletesounds like a great day, full of great memories