When little Donny crawled in bed with me this raining morning, I thought how nice, we'll just sleep in and cuddle. However, he woke Abigail and fell asleep. On the other hand, Abigail and I were able to watch the 5:30 broadcast of the local news. I never get to see the news. Everything seemed to be going okay, then around 8:30 Big Daddy called from the fire house, you know what that means. As I was on the phone, Ashley was outside on the only grass we have left doing her thing. I noticed that she was walking over to the one area that is muddy, rainy season and all. I was not happy about this because I gave the very neglected, was at one time the number one princess, a bath last night. (I was too tired to even write about that experience. I had a helper.) Anyway, she was acting very weird, nose to the ground and slowly inching forward. I took a closer look and there it was---a large, dead raccoon just lying there on the side of the house.
I stepped outside to chase Ashley away from the racoon. All of the sudden the bathroom screen flew out of the window and landed very close to the racoon. All I heard was the sound of a giggling three year old. I hung up on Big Daddy, put Donny in the naughty spot and grabbed my boots. As I went out, the dog went in and tracked her muddy prints on the floor. I replaced the screen and realized that it was going to be a long day. I just want to know if Kitty was the killer! 

Did you find the missing body??
ReplyDeleteI have confirmed that a very kind neighbor came to the rescue and removed said body. I am quite relieved considering I thought it got up and walked away.