I cannot wait until the regular fall season on television begins. I was so bored last night that I actually watched the Hannah Montana movie, unfortunately I didn't have any 3-D glasses to get the full effect. I would have been surfing the net, but we were having a terrible storm, which leads me to the real reason for this post. Shortly after Hannah was over there was a flash of lighting so bright that I could see the backhoe in the backyard. I'm pretty sure that lighting strike was the reason the cable went out for the night. The good news, I could still watch anything on DVR, if you do not have this service, sign up now. I went through the list and found an episode of Royal Pains, which airs on USA. Big Daddy and I love this show because it is so ridiculous, it is a cross between MacGyver and Marcus Welby.
I remembered that I had set the DVR to record a show I had read about, I checked and I had three new episodes. Oh well, I'll kill some time and watch one episode of Dance Your Ass Off, Big Daddy will have to suffer. Here is the synopsis: Twelve finalists, nearly 3,000 lbs, one goal -- to go from an eating machine to a dancing machine in Oxygen's new dance/weight loss competition series Dance Your Ass Off. (Yes, I pulled that from the web-site) I watched about twenty minutes and told Big Daddy I was going to bed and he said, "Wait a minute, were do you think you're going?" Next thing I know it is after 11:00 and the episode is wrapping up. I am just about to turn off the TV, when the host announces that next week's theme dance is the stripper pole. We start watching the stripper episode because we are mesmerized by Alicia, this girl is crazy and makes THE BEST facial expressions. We were begging for her to stay, I hope she makes it to the end. Watching her, I have to remind myself that she isn't a character on SNL.
I know most of you have better things to do, but this is one you have to see to believe. By the way, Big Daddy is as hooked as I am!