Why does Ashley follow me around when I vacuum? She will be sound asleep and when she hears the vacuum being pulled out, she comes running to my side. She will stand behind me and follow me as I make my way through each room. I wonder what she is thinking and as I vacuumed yesterday and watched her, I thought maybe she's afraid if she takes her eye off the vacuum cleaner it will try to attack. As all of this was going through my mind, I remembered her fear of the vacuum cleaner as a puppy. I'm sure she was frightened of the noise and the fact that I vacuum daily, a bit
OCD of me, didn't help her nerves.
I was really worried about the tree on Ashley's first Christmas. I thought for certain that she would eat many of our ornaments, since she was chewing her way through many of things, couch included. One day I came into the living room and Big Daddy had surrounded the Christmas Tree with three vacuum cleaners, Ashley wouldn't go near the tree and hasn't since. Don't ask why we had three vacuum cleaners, I really don't know. In the end, only one vacuum remained through the holiday season and Big Daddy even put a face on it to ensure Ashley knew to stay away.

Sometimes I wonder what is in the water up there....