We returned from Newport on Sunday and Nanny arrived on Monday evening. I put her to work immediately and the two of us spent several days and nights in the basement working on this years Halloween Costumes. We were racing against Sandy. I was almost certain we would lose power and I wanted the costumes done before Sandy's arrival. Thank heavens for Nanny or I would still be in the basement. We finished those costumes with hours to spare before Sandy arrived. By the way, I just want to point out that Nanny was also here when Irene arrived in 2011.
Early morning on the day Sandy was to strike, Nanny and I went to Connecticut to shop. I wanted to make sure we had food in the house and unlike last year, I was going to be prepared for Abigail's birthday. We were luckily because most people were just arriving to the stores as we were leaving and very well prepared. I took the kids to a birthday party later that day which was great because they were able to run around for tow hours and get all of their energy out before Sandy lock down.
We all know that during any big storm Big Daddy is usually at work, well Sandy was no exception. He left before she hit and returned after she was gone. All of this is fine if I could have started the generator. We were lucky because we didn't lose power until around 8:00 Monday night. I didn't see any reason to start the generator that night because earlier I had preformed a test run and everything was fine. I tried to start the generator early the next morning to no avail. I had a slight meltdown where some foul words were said and in the midst of my tantrum my niece called to wish Nanny a Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Nanny!
Big Daddy arrived home around 10:00. He pulled my car close to the house, hooked it up to the coffee pot and made me the best cup of coffee I have ever had. After drying out the generator with the lawn mower, just call him MacGyver, we were able to start the generator and all was well.
The next day was Halloween and I was going to take the kids out if I had to drive an hour. Luckily through friends, we found one street in Pawling that had lights so we all met after dinner and had a nice group of kids for trick or treating.

The power was out for the second year in the row for Abigail's birthday. Big Daddy was in charge of baking Abigail's cake and did a great job baking it on the grill. Abigail and I were in charge of decorating the cake. I turned my back for a moment and it was covered with lavender sugar sprinkles. I think it was one of the best cakes we have ever made and next year when the power goes out were are ready for anything!
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This is one of about 15 photos I took in a row. Everytime the camera clicked the kids were in a new pose which only made Nanny laugh harder. I would love to put them togerther and make a mini movie. |
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I was so happy when Donny's school rescheduled the Halloween party. Please look at his wig, it is on backward but I think it looks better worn this way. |
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Big Daddy insisted on wearing these glasses but he did get the attention of all the school children as they marched past us in the Halloween parade. |
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Abigail wanted a photo without the ugly glasses. |
Abigail had her four year check up and is doing great. She is 40 1/4 inches and weighs 32 pounds. She grew two inches since last year, how do I make her stop and keep my little girl little? Time marches on...
Donny is completely obsessed with Elvis which is just fine with Big Daddy and me. He wanted to wear a tux and tails for school pictures because when Elvis was on the Steve Allen show Steve Allen insisted Elvis clean up his act for the family show. Since we do not have a tux and tails, Donny copied a photo he found in a library book. I must say he looked very handsome. He did ask me if it was okay if he grew porkchop sideburns. I told him if he could grow them, he could have them.
And finally, something interesting happended while having coffee with my very good friend. A man walked through the door of Dunkin' Doughnuts and I thought for sure I knew the man personnally, I just couldn't place him. After a moment, I realized that the man was in fact Tommy Hilfiger. Now isn't that crazy?
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Photo credit goes to my dear friend and coffee buddy. |
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