
Thursday, December 27, 2012

My Mother

I have copied the following from my Mother's Facebook page.  It was too good not to repost!
Once again, this could only happen on Harrison Street. I was awakened by shouts from my husband with "CALL 911, CALL 911!!!!! I called 911 and while I was waiting for an answer, I was yelling at him "ABOUT WHAT, ABOUT WHAT!!!! while running down the stairs. The light in the front hall was on, the hall tree was knocked over and the front door was standing open and there was a guy standing on t...he sidewalk facing the house. He had on a Carhart jacket with the hood up. I didn't have my glasses on and did I mention just two hours earlier I had had a healthy dose of Nyquil? Well the guy I thought was Ted, wouldn't answer me and started to run north on Harrison Street and I'm on the phone with dispatch running after him still yelling "ABOUT WHAT?!?!" Then it occurred to me. Ted can't run that fast, so I tell the lady dispatcher---maybe it is about the guy who is running down the street. I run back in the house and meet my husband peering around the corner with a gun in his hand. I shoved the phone in his hand and tell him to talk to dispatch, because I have no clue what is going on. After blah, blah, blah on the phone with the dispatcher he hands the phone back to me and tells me there is an officer outside, go talk to them. I run outside in my brand new christmas socks that are wet and dirty now and I still don't know what had happened. THEN he comes out and talks to Police. They have caught the "Perp" and wanted Ted to ID him. I went in the house and found the guys ski mask on the floor and under it was todays paper. He had brought the paper in.
Ted said he heard a commotion in the front hall and thought it was one of the cats, or two or three...anyway, there stood the guy waving his hand up and down (as an Elephant would his trunk) towards the hall tree. Ted kept telling him to get out and he wouldn't leave, so Ted said "This isn't your house " and the guy said" You're right". Ted said "I'm going to get a gun" that's when he woke me up with "Call 911!" He said he passed me on the stairs and said there was an intruder, but, I don't think so.
The whole episode was like a "Chinese Fire Drill". The poor guy was just very drunk and got into the wrong house..I'm sure he is paging through the phone book for some therapy he can get into and I'll probably have pneumonia tomorrow.
I'm going back to bed. I just noticed...I'm fully dressed.

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