
Monday, April 26, 2010


A few weeks ago while in the Tractor Store, Donny spotted a toy camper that he just had to have. Big Daddy and I have a reward chart for Donny to alleviate toy requests while shopping. Once he fills the chart he may pick out a toy. Last week Big Daddy took Donny to the Tractor Store only to find that some terrible little boy had stolen his camper. I told him that Nanny had a Tractor Store close to her house and we would be there soon.

Just hours after our arrival the quest began. "Nanny did you buy the camper?" "Aunt Stephanie did you get me the camper?" Poor Aunt Stephanie was not briefed on the camper story and therefore very confused. Donny and I went to church with Nanny and his cousin. After the children's sermon, the children were instructed to exit and attend Sunday School. Not getting anywhere with his family, Donny decided to take the camper request straight to the top and walked up to Pastor and told her: "Someone stole my camper." Knowing that we traveled to Piqua for a visit, the look on the her face was of great concern. I spoke to her after church to assure her that our vehicle was safe. She told me she saw a trip to the Tractor Store in our future and I agreed.

Two hours later, Nanny, Donny and I were standing in the Tractor Store looking at the toy shelf, when Donny announced: "Nanny we have a situation!" He was not happy, so we went to the next store and then another, no camper to be found. There are two more Walmart's in the area and I am hoping to find the said tractor by weeks end.