
Saturday, June 5, 2010


I have stayed away from this subject because it really isn't good for my heart to start a conversation about the oil spill, however I must address the situation. I think it goes without saying that we should all boycott BP when filling up our tanks, but we should also look at our investments and sell any stock of BP we are holding.

I guess that is the end of my rant. When I started to type more, my head instantly started to throb. I cannot type as fast as the thoughts are forming so this is too difficult for me. The bottom line: I AM PISSED!


  1. The innocent animals literally break my heart.

  2. Can you believe they are spending $50 million to improve their image? The easiest way they could improve their image is to stop the leak and start cleaning the mess they have made. They aren't making a real effort to clean up and help the animals. At least they got rid of CEO Tony Hayward and he has his life back. What an ass!

  3. last night onsome show they used Hay to absorb a big pan of oil(that they bought from the gulf. the hay sucked it all up but BP and our government doesn't get back to these very smart engineers
