Donny had his six year check up yesterday. When we picked him up from school, the first thing Abigail said to him was, "Remember Donny, no shots. I promise." He has asked about shots so much that even Abigail was tired of hearing the question.
The kids were playing in the waiting room waiting for the nurse to call us. Abigail asked me to get her jump rope out of my purse. I reached in and handed her jump rope to her. She started to walk away then abruptly turned around and said, "Mommy, this isn't my jump rope this is my yo-yo." I might add there was a bit of attitude. I took the yo-yo and gave her the jump rope. Moments later we were called in so Abigail stashed the jump rope in my purse.
Once the doctor entered the room the kids became very chatty. Doctor began asking Donny questions and one of them being, "Donny does anything bother you?" After a moment Donny said, "Yes, bugs. Bugs bother me. I don't like when they land on me and sometimes they get in my eyes." Doctor and I both found his response to be quite funny. Doctor does not smile often and I love when the kids can get him to grin. Durning Abigail's check up, he asked her if she had any questions and her response was "Yes, do you like me boots."
Abigail began to get a little antsy and asked me for her jump rope. I really didn't want her jumping in the middle of the check up so I said no and I think the doctor was a bit relieved. She was a bit more persistent so I gave in, reached into my purse and handed her the jump rope. A smile started to creep along Doctors face and then he looked up at me and said, "The jump rope is imaginary." "Of course it is, do you think I would like her jump rope in here?"
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