Just Another Day in Dover was created to document the crazy happenings in our day to day life.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year!!!!
I'm trying to watch the ball drop, so to stay awake I am updating the blog layout. I may change the background a few times before I find something I like. I want to make sure the type is readable.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Abigail's has found a new way to communicate her frustration. She grabs the hair on both sides of her head and pulls her hair out while she screams owww. Since Donny doesn't want her playing with anything, she spent most of the day pulling her hair. I'm not sure how to handle this one, so I am open to any suggestions. I have told Donny if he causes hair pulling, he must sit in the naughty spot, but it's not always his fault. She has pulled out quite a bit of hair and I don't know what to do.
Do Over
Big Daddy and I sometimes declare a do-over day. Do-over day's usually happen when things just aren't going well. About ten o'clock today, I opened the washing machine took one look inside and declared a do-over day. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I knew something was amiss. And then it hit me, somehow one of Donny's Pull Ups found its way to the wash. I can't even describe the mess. If you have never witnessed the inside of a wet diaper, let me explain. Basically the liquid is absorbed by a gel like substance. It wouldn't be so bad if it stayed in a big blob, but no, it turns in to tiny little globs of gel. Two wash cycles, a cup of salt (Internet suggestion), a trashed vacuum and an hour later, I was finally rid of the mess. No other way to say it, that SUCKED! I wish I would have photographed the moment to share with all of you.
PJ's For Teddy
I checked on Donny last night, thinking that he was well into dreamland, when I found a very upset little boy. He was on the bed with all the shorts from his drawer, Teddy was wearing underwear and Donny had changed from his sleeper pj's to the outfit in the photo below. I just want to add that last night was freezing.
I asked him what was wrong and he told me he needed to find pj's for Teddy. I tried to get him to put on a warmer outfit, but he refused. I put Teddy in one of Abigail sleepers, since they are about the same size. I kissed him goodnight and left. About twenty minutes later, I returned to find Teddy wearing one of Donny's sleepers and because it was entirely too big the legs were wrapped around Donny's neck. I striped Teddy and tucked everyone in for the night.
The house was very cold this morning and I tried to put a sweatshirt and pants on Donny for two hours. He finally decided he was cold and told me he could dress himself. When he returned, he was wearing what I put him to bed in last night. However, they weren't pj's, they were his spacesuit. I was really surprised when he unzipped his pj's to show me the two shirts and pair of Khaki's. He wore that outfit the entire day.
The house was very cold this morning and I tried to put a sweatshirt and pants on Donny for two hours. He finally decided he was cold and told me he could dress himself. When he returned, he was wearing what I put him to bed in last night. However, they weren't pj's, they were his spacesuit. I was really surprised when he unzipped his pj's to show me the two shirts and pair of Khaki's. He wore that outfit the entire day.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas Photos
I am sorry to say that these are the best photos I have of Christmas. The fire engine arrived Christmas Eve and Santa was aboard. Abigail liked Donny's monster truck just as much as Donny. The best toy of the day? A box on the kitchen floor.

Everyone is finally starting to feel better. I think we should all be healthy by the new year. I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas.

Everyone is finally starting to feel better. I think we should all be healthy by the new year. I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sick For Santa?
UPDATE: Donny has an ear infection and we have to give him breathing treatments every four hours for 48 hours. Abigail still has a fever, but doctor couldn't find the cause. I'm sure she'll have an ear infection by our follow up on Saturday.
Donny is still running a fever, so we are off to the doctor today. Abigail has a fever as well, but she is also getting a couple new teeth. I haven't been able to diagnose her, ill or teeth? I heard Donny calling me at 1:30 this morning. I found him sitting in the dark in the living room. I think he was delirious.
Donny is still running a fever, so we are off to the doctor today. Abigail has a fever as well, but she is also getting a couple new teeth. I haven't been able to diagnose her, ill or teeth? I heard Donny calling me at 1:30 this morning. I found him sitting in the dark in the living room. I think he was delirious.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Smell This
I called the firehouse today to speak to Big Daddy. Firefighter Chris answered the phone and told me Big Daddy was out. As he was about to tell me Big Daddy's whereabouts, Donny walked up to me, stuck his finger under my nose and said, "Smell this!" Because I was on the phone and distracted, I smelled his finger and to my horror it smelled repulsive. My facial expression must have told Donny what I thought because he then said with a smile, "I KNOW! I stuck it in my fanny!" I hadn't heard a word firefighter Chris said since the finger went under my nose, so I said a very quick goodbye and ran to the bathroom with Donny to perform a thorough disinfecting scrub down.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Grocery Store Hell

When we finally make our way across the packed parking lot, I pull out my list and pray this will be quick. Donny wants to help and does this by walking over to the display of apples which are already packed in totes. He picks up a tote and knocks over two trying to get the tote in the cart. Apples are everywhere and people are staring. While I clean up said apples, he tells me he is off to get some tomatoes. I put the apples back and grab a fresh tote, which comes back to haunt me later. I try to put Donny in the cart, but he arches his back and starts screaming with tears streaming down his face. Abigail doesn't want to be left out of the fun, so every time Donny screams so does she and she continues to scream until she is in her car seat. I have been very fortunate up until this point, Donny has never behaved like this before and I know it is because he is sick. I am trying to calm him down when this woman walks up to us, pulls out her cell phone and tells Donny that she is calling Santa to tell him what a naughty boy he is being and not to bring him presents. I am very proud of my behavior because I didn't smack the lady like I wanted. I explained that he wasn't feeling well and this behavior was very unusual for him. My explanation didn't seem to matter because every time we ran into her, she whipped out her phone and pretended to speak to Santa.
I finally get to the car and am loading the groceries when I notice that the entire bag of apples is rotten. I return to the store and notice there are now two women soliciting for domestic abuse in front of the store. We wait at the customer service counter for a few minutes, when it is finally our turn the lady hands me five dollars and some change. I decide to buy a Mega ticket with the five and leave the store. As I walk out, I remember the domestic violence woman and feel bad that I spent all my cash on the Mega ticket. I get over it real quick when one of the women tells me what a beautiful family I have and that the children have great lungs. She was so mocking me.
On the ride home, Donny tells me he feels really, really bad for what happened. Then he said, "Mama if you want to transfer me or fire me, I completely understand." I know that he is quoting a line from Prep and Landing but it still made me smile.
Friday, December 18, 2009
I was thrilled last night when both kids were asleep before seven. Around eleven o'clock Donny came wandering into the living room mumbling. When I picked him up to return him to bed, I noticed he felt warm. He had a temperature of 102.8. His four year check up just happened to be today. The doctor couldn't find a reason for his temperature other than the beginning of a cold. He was still running a fever tonight when we put him to bed. I am hoping he will be fever free tomorrow and it was just an odd occurrence.
Thursday, December 17, 2009

I sent cupcakes to school today for Donny's birthday. When I picked him up, I asked if the cupcakes were good. Donny replied, "Oh Mama! The children were delighted!"
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Name Calling
Donny told Big Daddy a story last night before bed. The story was about Donny's son who was calling Donny names. Big Daddy asked what names were said, but Donny wouldn't tell. Big Daddy asked what Donny did to punish his son, did he put him in the naughty spot? Donny said he didn't put him in the naughty spot, he just gave his son more love and his son stopped calling him names.
Water Fountain
I sent Donny to the bathroom to prepare for his bath. When I arrived moments later, I found my son giggling and water all over the bathroom. He had place his rinse cup upside down and turned both faucets on to the fullest. The water was arching over the entire sink and counter and spilling onto the floor like a beautiful Italian fountain. I used three large bath towels to clean up all the water. You would think I would learn by now, always be in the same room with the little guy.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Here She Comes
I have been trying to upload this for 24 hours!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Donny has officially changed his name to Robin. He is taking this very seriously, if we don't call him Robin he gets very mad. He has never watched an episode of Batman. He has only seen pictures of Batman and Robin in toy catalogs. When he first started this name change, I tried to convince him to be Batman. I told him Batman was the leader and Robin the follower, but he didn't want to hear my opinion. I am hoping this phase doesn't last long, he even has his teachers calling him Robin.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Babysitter Needed Immediately
Babysitter Needed Immediately is the title of an ad a friend of mine posted on a local university job board. She has received several replies but there is one in particular that had us on the phone laughing together. My friend received an e-mail from this applicant inquiring about the position. My friend decided not to consider the applicant when she saw her e-mail address: sexiassbarbiedoll@xxxxxx.xxx. I am sure you are all smart enough to do what I did.
P.S.--Friend if you are reading this and I have posted too much information please let me know.
P.S.--Friend if you are reading this and I have posted too much information please let me know.
Hey Ohio
Are my Ohio readers going to get hit with the big storm moving across the mid-west?
Monday, December 7, 2009
For those you in the market for a new yacht, Hermes has expanded their creative interest. Hermes designs are incredible, I haven't been able to find the price yet. I think the old saying defiantly applies to this situation....If you have to ask how much, you can't afford the price tag. Very interesting concept.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Dinner Conversation
"Mama, I fell on the rocks in the driveway."
"Oh, I thought you said, I found the rocks in the driveway."
"I found them when I fell!"
"Donny, you just made a funny!"
"Oh, I thought you said, I found the rocks in the driveway."
"I found them when I fell!"
"Donny, you just made a funny!"
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Baby Boy
Big Daddy e-mailed me this video he had saved in his e-mail. I can't believe what a difference a year makes. I almost cried, he was still a baby last year. I feel like a terrible parent, we sent him to school. I dropped off this little boy all alone. He doesn't look old enough to be in school. Might explain why the three year old teachers seem to love their kids more than the four year old teachers do. This was taken October 2008.
What A Day!
It has been one long day. Donny had to sit in the naughty spot more times than I can even list. Our little Donny elf didn't have much effect today. There was one particular time of the day that made think of the old Calgon commercial. Around three o'clock I had just pulled the last tray of pumpkin cookies out of oven, two dozen were cooling on a wire rack. I wanted to let Donny play in the snow since today is the first of the season and it was so beautiful outside. I told him to go to the potty and then I would bundled him to go outside.
He went off to the bathroom and a little time went by. I realized he was too quite, so off I went to see what my little man was doing. The giggling led me right to bathroom where I found him plunging the water right out of the toilet bowl. The walls on either side of the toilet were wet with toilet water and the floor was soaking wet. I sent him to his room and cleaned up the mess. While I was scolding him for making such a mess, I heard an odd noise coming from the kitchen. Upon further investigation, I witnessed Ashley eating cookies off the wire rack. She was standing with her paws on the counter eating as if that is the way I feed her every night. She ate around fourteen cookies, so I am expecting explosive diarrhea around two in the morning.
He went off to the bathroom and a little time went by. I realized he was too quite, so off I went to see what my little man was doing. The giggling led me right to bathroom where I found him plunging the water right out of the toilet bowl. The walls on either side of the toilet were wet with toilet water and the floor was soaking wet. I sent him to his room and cleaned up the mess. While I was scolding him for making such a mess, I heard an odd noise coming from the kitchen. Upon further investigation, I witnessed Ashley eating cookies off the wire rack. She was standing with her paws on the counter eating as if that is the way I feed her every night. She ate around fourteen cookies, so I am expecting explosive diarrhea around two in the morning.
Friday, December 4, 2009
I LOVE Donny the elf! Donny ran into the living room this morning, took one look at the wall, gasped and then looked a me with magic, fairy dust in his eyes. "Mama, he's gone!" I told him that I had forgotten about Donny the elf and hadn't noticed. We then went on a search to find Donny the elf. Can you imagine how excited we were to find Donny the elf in Donny's room sitting on the curtain rod. Donny asked him if he saw Santa last night and the told me that Donny the elf called Santa from the cell phone in the elf's pocket.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thank You Miss D!

When I put Donny to bed, he thought for a moment and then said, "Mama, Santa sent that elf to Abigail not me." I realized I should remind him the elf will also tell Santa about all the good things he does. He felt much better and decided that elf Donny was for both of them. We will see what the next few weeks bring, but I can't wait for the morning to see what happens when Donny realizes that elf Donny is in a new location.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tony M. Part II
I'm sorry that I wasn't clear with my story about firefighter Tony M. I should have explained that Donny made up that story. He has been quite the storyteller lately.
Out Of The Blue
"Mama, I down like touchdowns. I like bacon and marshmallows."
Monday, November 30, 2009
Meet The Natives
The Travel Channel is airing a wonderful show about five men from the Pacific Island of Tanna who are brought to the states. Big Daddy and I watched the first episode last night and wished it would have been longer. I hope everyone has the chance to watch an episode.
Here is the link: http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Meet_the_Natives
Here is the link: http://www.travelchannel.com/TV_Shows/Meet_the_Natives
Tony M.
I have a bone to pick with firefighter Tony M. The next time you decide to drive around Larchmont with my son in the bucket of the ladder truck, I might have to call the police. Donny told me that you were driving slowly so he would be safe, but I still don't think it is a good idea. He also said the police were leading the way, so I guess it wouldn't do me any good to call them for help. (His little brain is always working.)
I haven't raised my voice in five days, FIVE DAYS! I have tried to be as calm as possible when dealing with Donny's shenanigans and for the most part he has been much calmer. Well, that all ended today. The first incident occurred when I was adding a load of clothes to the washing machine. I turned around and he was gone. He had climbed into the dryer and almost had the door completely closed. I think I reacted quite calmly, pulled him out and explain he was never to do that again. I did feel like going to the kitchen to fix myself a cocktail, but considering it was only 11:30 in the morning I decided to wait until at least 5:00.
About an hour later, I was trying to fold the laundry when once again I turned my back. When I turned again, he was pouring baby oil on the hall floor. I was certain that I had thrown all of the baby oil away considering it can be fatal if swallowed and I think we all know who would be the first in line. I yelled at him and then felt as if all my work was lost, but he sat in the naughty spot and didn't say a word. I moved up cocktail time to 4:00 and spent quite awhile cleaning the floor. I'm hoping the rest of the day is uneventful. On the bright side, we are considering opening a bowling alley in our hallway. No shoes required.
About an hour later, I was trying to fold the laundry when once again I turned my back. When I turned again, he was pouring baby oil on the hall floor. I was certain that I had thrown all of the baby oil away considering it can be fatal if swallowed and I think we all know who would be the first in line. I yelled at him and then felt as if all my work was lost, but he sat in the naughty spot and didn't say a word. I moved up cocktail time to 4:00 and spent quite awhile cleaning the floor. I'm hoping the rest of the day is uneventful. On the bright side, we are considering opening a bowling alley in our hallway. No shoes required.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
All Finished
The day went much better than I could have anticipated. Donny was such a big help. He had the most fun unwrapping every ornament. I told him about each one. Pretty soon he would say "This one is from Germany." or "This one is from Grandma Barb." We had such a great day. We finished the evening by sipping eggnog and reading a few Christmas books. Abigail slept while most of the tree went up and then watched us finish through the holes in the gated community. She loved the lights and would wave to us as we worked.

Let The Countdown Begin
I love this time of year, let the Christmas spirit begin. I will be spending the day preparing the living room for the Christmas decorations. I usually don't need an entire day, but I have a self appointed helper today. I can't wait to see how this goes. I'm sure I'll have at least one good story before the day is over. We are already off to a good start, both kids slept until 8:00. It's the first Christmas miracle of the season.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Donny spent the night at Aunt Karen's house. He wanted to sleep in bed with his cousin in case she needed him rather than the air mattress on the floor. When Aunt Karen went to move him to the floor, she pulled back the covers to see the two of them were holding hands.

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. Hope your day was a beautiful one.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Donny requested an turkey, bacon sandwich for breakfast yesterday. I made the sandwich and placed it in front of him. He asked for sprinkles and I said no. As this was happening, I was on the phone with Miss D trying to arrange a play date in the park so he could run like the wind to sleep like a baby. Whenever I'm on the phone, he becomes an attention seeking crazy child. Well, the sprinkle request turned into a fiasco and I could see that this would be one of those times where I had to choose my battle. I lost, he won, we went to the park and he slept like a baby! Maybe I really won. (The sprinkles have been moved to an undisclosed location to avoid future sprinkle situations.)

Monday, November 23, 2009
I put Donny down for a much needed nap today. I thought for certain he would be asleep immediately, however after about twenty minutes I heard a rumbling coming from his room. When I opened his door, he was wearing the white satin outfit that I made him for his Buzz Lightyear costume. I noticed that he was wearing socks on his hands and holding the handle of my carry-on suitcase. "What are you doing?" "I'm all packed up and moving to your room. I'm afraid I'll fall out of bed." "What did you pack?" "I packed Teddy, my pillow and all of my blankets." "Why are you wearing that outfit and the socks on your hands?" "Mama, they're not socks, they're gloves to keep Ashley from licking me and my outfit is to protect me from Ashley if she bites me." "Ashley doesn't bite." "I'm just pretending Mama."
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Birthday Girl
Our first baby turns six today. She is such a good dog and puts up with quite a bit from her siblings. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY!

Doesn't she look thrilled to have her photo taken?

Doesn't she look thrilled to have her photo taken?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Donny's new phrase of the week is damn it. We have told him not to say it and that damn it is inappropriate, so he knows he shouldn't use those words. The other day he was playing and I heard him say damn it, so I scolded him. He said, "Mama, I'm talking about beavers. You know beavers make dams." I just stood there looking at him with my mouth hanging open. I had nothing to say to him, so I left the room. A few days later the following conversation took place.
"Mama, let's talk about beavers.""What about them?"
"Mama, what do beavers do?"
"They swim"
"What else do beavers do mama?"
"They build things."
"What things do they build mama?" (silence) "Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it! Beavers build dams mama."
Today's the big day!!!!! High noon people. Let's go Buckeyes!! OH...IO......OH....IH!!!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Baby Steps

Abigail took her first steps today. She walked about four steps toward Big Daddy. We are in big trouble now, I give her less than two weeks to become an expert.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Good Day
Today was a really good day in Dover. Big Daddy and I accomplished quite a lot of work around the house, both kids are healthy and the rest of the week holds promise. Another beautiful day allowed us to hang the Christmas lights and plant all the bulbs. I was able to clean the house, finish the laundry, brainstorm some business ideas and fix the computer.
We are just hours away from the release of my favorite wine, Beaujolais Nouveau. From what I have read, this year promises to be one of the best ever. I know where I will be stopping tomorrow after I wash that gray out of my hair. Last but not least, the big game is Saturday. Go Bucks!!
We are just hours away from the release of my favorite wine, Beaujolais Nouveau. From what I have read, this year promises to be one of the best ever. I know where I will be stopping tomorrow after I wash that gray out of my hair. Last but not least, the big game is Saturday. Go Bucks!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Yesterday was a beautiful day here and after lunch Donny went to play on the front porch. I was on the phone with Aunt Karen standing at the front door watching Donny play. He was standing at the edge of the porch and all of the sudden his feet are in the air, his head is in the planter and his entire body flips over onto the sidewalk. I say "GOTTA GO!" hang up on Aunt Karen, run outside and scoop up Donny. I take him inside and check him out, no visible damage. He is very upset and through his tears says to me, "It's not a beautiful day to be outside." I kiss his boo-boos away and he is ready to return to the porch to play. I advise him to take the stairs this time. He takes my advice and proceeds to fall down the three stairs to the front porch. Thankfully, he recovers quickly.
I took this photo about six hours after she was stung.
I call Aunt Karen back to fill her in on what just happened and why I hung up on her. Just as I am explaining the horrific fall and say that I thought for sure Donny would have to go to the ER, Abigail starts screaming. I look over and she has a bee in her mouth. I say "GOTTA GO!" hang up on Aunt Karen AGAIN and scoop up Abigail. She has been stung in the lower lip (same spot Donny was stung two summers ago and still has a bump) and in the cheek. Her lip and cheek are starting to swell, so I decide that Abigail will be the one going to the ER.
After an hour and a half in the ER, we were sent home. Abigail didn't need medication and I am hoping there won't be a next time, but the way things go in this house, it's just a matter of time. A HUGE thank you to Miss D for allowing me to practically do a tuck-n-roll Donny drop off at her house so he didn't have to sit in the ER. Very kind of her considering we spent all morning playing at her home. Thank you Miss D!!!!

I took this photo about six hours after she was stung.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Last night Donny told me he had to go potty, so he ran to the bathroom. About a minute later I realized it was too quite and something was wrong. I found Donny sitting on the bathroom floor with a pair of scissors in his hair. He looked at me and said, "BARBER!" Luckily I caught him when I did, he only cut a bit off the top of his head.
I haven't been able to post in a few days because his medicine makes him crazy and I just haven't had time. By the end of the night, I'm just too tired. He still has 48 hours of treatments and then a few days before the medicine is out of his system and he will calm down. The nor'easter hit last night and is still lingering, so he won't be able to play outside and burn off some of his energy. Hopefully, the rain will move out before sundown.
I haven't been able to post in a few days because his medicine makes him crazy and I just haven't had time. By the end of the night, I'm just too tired. He still has 48 hours of treatments and then a few days before the medicine is out of his system and he will calm down. The nor'easter hit last night and is still lingering, so he won't be able to play outside and burn off some of his energy. Hopefully, the rain will move out before sundown.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Yes, A Sick Child Did This

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Back To The Doctor
Big Daddy took Donny to the doctor yesterday because he had a fever and was having trouble breathing. After 24 hours of breathing treatments, we were back in the office today for a follow up. His pulse ox was up and he is doing much better, however he did develop an ear infection since yesterday. Abigail has a fever and cold and I'm hoping it stops there. We will be giving Donny breathing treatments every four hours around the clock for the next 48 hours. I can't express enough how much I hate this particular medication, it makes Donny absolutely crazy. It is going to be an insane few weeks ahead.
I do have one little nugget of fun. Last night Donny told me he forgot to tell the doctor something. I asked what he forgot and he said, "I forgot to tell her how pretty she was." I reminded him we would be returning the next day. So today when she entered the office, he said to her, "You look very beautiful and stylish today." I almost fell off my chair. STYLISH???? Where did he get that one? He also colored her a picture. She thanked him for the picture and put it in a clear magazine rack next to another picture. She told Donny that one of her other patients made the picture for her. Well, the entire drive home he was PISSED! Other patients? I am her patient! Why is she seeing someone else? He was not happy, he was acting like a scorned lover. It would have been funny if the look on his face wasn't so sad.
I do have one little nugget of fun. Last night Donny told me he forgot to tell the doctor something. I asked what he forgot and he said, "I forgot to tell her how pretty she was." I reminded him we would be returning the next day. So today when she entered the office, he said to her, "You look very beautiful and stylish today." I almost fell off my chair. STYLISH???? Where did he get that one? He also colored her a picture. She thanked him for the picture and put it in a clear magazine rack next to another picture. She told Donny that one of her other patients made the picture for her. Well, the entire drive home he was PISSED! Other patients? I am her patient! Why is she seeing someone else? He was not happy, he was acting like a scorned lover. It would have been funny if the look on his face wasn't so sad.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
In A Nutshell
I took the kids to the market this morning breaking one of my rules, never food shop on the weekend, but we were at the point of Mother Hubbard. Things were going quite well until we checked out. I used my debit card but for some reason it was put on as a charge and the clerk didn't use my Hannaford's coupon for a dollar off. I went to the customer service desk to rectify the situation. Of course all employees who know how to handle my situation either took the day off or were on a break. I was lucky enough to have the deli girl and bakery girl standing next to me waiting to pay for their incredibly nutritious lunch of sweetened tea and a bag of Doritos.
The customer service girl had no idea what she was doing, but deli girl apparently knew the system, however she was not permitted behind the sacred swinging half door that lead to customer service, so she was forced to explain how to proceed over the counter. Did I mention she was about four feet tall? I'd love to know how promotions work in that store. Anyway, CS girl was finally able to remove the charge from my credit card, but couldn't figure out how to apply the amount to my debit card. She finally decided the best course of action was to re-ring my entire order. Now let me give you a mental picture, I am wearing Abigail on the front of my body. She is getting restless and arching her back every three to five minutes and the arches are getting closer together and longer, a bit like labor pains. Donny is in the cart and at some point has grown four extra arms which he is using to grab as many items as he can off the customer service counter and throwing it in the cart. Eleven o'clock is quickly approaching and we still have a twenty minute drive home. If Abigail isn't fed at noon, the screaming begins. Anyway, I look at the deli girl and tears start to form in my eyes. I tell her I can't possibly re-ring my order because my little helpers are about to blow. She finally suggests they page the Grand Poobah of customer service to come to my rescue. Why this wasn't an option earlier is beyond me. He shows up and fixes the problem in fifteen seconds. Now, what about my coupon? I'm told I'll receive cash. I tell her to keep the cash and give me the winning Mega ticket.
We finally arrive home and I have about thirteen minutes before Abigail starts to scream when there is a knock at the door. The living room is trashed because Abigail and Donny have managed to get out every toy they own while I try to put the groceries away. I am sooo not prepared for company. I open the door and sure enough it's my favorite Jehovah and this time she has brought her husband and son. I think to myself that every time she shows up my life is in complete chaos and then realize that chaos is just normal. I learn that her husband is from Ohio and is also an OSU fan. Donny sees the little boy and asks if he came to play. I think I have the only visiting Jehovah that doesn't want to stay. She always says hello and practically throws the pamphlet in the door before she is off the porch and on her way. I think we are too crazy for her. I return to the kitchen get lunch ready and we all sit down as the clock turns to noon. So there you have it, my Saturday morning in a nutshell or maybe a bit longer.
The customer service girl had no idea what she was doing, but deli girl apparently knew the system, however she was not permitted behind the sacred swinging half door that lead to customer service, so she was forced to explain how to proceed over the counter. Did I mention she was about four feet tall? I'd love to know how promotions work in that store. Anyway, CS girl was finally able to remove the charge from my credit card, but couldn't figure out how to apply the amount to my debit card. She finally decided the best course of action was to re-ring my entire order. Now let me give you a mental picture, I am wearing Abigail on the front of my body. She is getting restless and arching her back every three to five minutes and the arches are getting closer together and longer, a bit like labor pains. Donny is in the cart and at some point has grown four extra arms which he is using to grab as many items as he can off the customer service counter and throwing it in the cart. Eleven o'clock is quickly approaching and we still have a twenty minute drive home. If Abigail isn't fed at noon, the screaming begins. Anyway, I look at the deli girl and tears start to form in my eyes. I tell her I can't possibly re-ring my order because my little helpers are about to blow. She finally suggests they page the Grand Poobah of customer service to come to my rescue. Why this wasn't an option earlier is beyond me. He shows up and fixes the problem in fifteen seconds. Now, what about my coupon? I'm told I'll receive cash. I tell her to keep the cash and give me the winning Mega ticket.
We finally arrive home and I have about thirteen minutes before Abigail starts to scream when there is a knock at the door. The living room is trashed because Abigail and Donny have managed to get out every toy they own while I try to put the groceries away. I am sooo not prepared for company. I open the door and sure enough it's my favorite Jehovah and this time she has brought her husband and son. I think to myself that every time she shows up my life is in complete chaos and then realize that chaos is just normal. I learn that her husband is from Ohio and is also an OSU fan. Donny sees the little boy and asks if he came to play. I think I have the only visiting Jehovah that doesn't want to stay. She always says hello and practically throws the pamphlet in the door before she is off the porch and on her way. I think we are too crazy for her. I return to the kitchen get lunch ready and we all sit down as the clock turns to noon. So there you have it, my Saturday morning in a nutshell or maybe a bit longer.
Three To Go
I'm pretty certain the subject matter of these particular blogs bore most people to tears, however since I look forward to twelve Saturdays every year, I must post something about the days event. Today is a big game, Penn State. I will actually get to watch the game today. Not only is it airing at a decent hour, but it will be broadcast on ABC as apposed to the Big Ten network, which has a fee. Of the twelve games this year, three of them have aired on the Big Ten Network. As a avid OSU football fan, there is nothing worse that sitting down trying to find the game on the television in your OSU game day wear and finding out you will not be watching the game today, but will have to scour the bottom of the television crawl for an update of the game. Not today my friends! Today I will force my children and dog to wear scarlet and grey, try to teach my son a bit about football and love every minute.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Question Of The Day
Donny: Why do you always sleep in daddy's room?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Night Owl

Call A Plumber

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Mrs. Fizzbone
I received quite an earful on the way to school this morning, a continuous ramble of information. Here is everything that I remember:
"Mama, you should really meet my wife, Mrs. Fizzbone. She lives near New York City with our two children. I have two sons, they are twenty. Mrs. Fizzbone cooks for me and takes care of our sons. She is tall with no eyes. Her hair is blue, isn't that your favorite color mama? Wait, she does have eyes. One day I was working with a saw in my shop and my boys came out and hurt themselves on my tools. So, Mrs. Fizzbone had to come outside and get our sons and take them in the house. Another time, I took our boys to my uncle's farm to feed the cows. Are we almost home? You should really meet my wife."
"Mama, you should really meet my wife, Mrs. Fizzbone. She lives near New York City with our two children. I have two sons, they are twenty. Mrs. Fizzbone cooks for me and takes care of our sons. She is tall with no eyes. Her hair is blue, isn't that your favorite color mama? Wait, she does have eyes. One day I was working with a saw in my shop and my boys came out and hurt themselves on my tools. So, Mrs. Fizzbone had to come outside and get our sons and take them in the house. Another time, I took our boys to my uncle's farm to feed the cows. Are we almost home? You should really meet my wife."
- I think this makes Donny a polygamist considering he married his best friend Zoe on October 22.
- He first told Nanny and I about Mrs. Fizzbone last week, I can't believe he remember her name.
- The story about the sons getting hurt on his tools actually happened to him.
- The story about the cows happened to me and I told him. "Tell me a story about when you were a little girl."
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Too Much, But Too Tired
I have so much to blog about, but I am just too tired to put everything in words. Since Nanny's arrival, we have been very busy everyday. Today was Donny's Halloween party at school. He refused to wear his Buzz Lightyear costume, so I asked if he would like to wear his lawnmower costume from two years ago. He was so happy, so off we went. On the way to the party, he asked if I had any ribbon to fix Zoe's hat ( ) so he could hold her hand. When we arrived, he was very shy and held my hand most of the time. He didn't want to do much and we left early.
The doctor called and we had to go to the office for his H1N1 shot shortly after we returned from the party. He was a trooper and cried for just a minute. He wanted to know why the nurse put the stick on his arm, but soon forgave her and told her to make sure she went trick-or-treating.
I think Nanny will need a vacation when she leaves, Donny is wearing her out. Donny was sitting on the couch with Nanny while doing his breathing treatment. I put Nanny in charge and left to get Abigail ready for bed. The breathing treatment lasts about five minutes, so imagine how surprised I was about twelve minutes later when Donny yelled for me and asked if he was done. I came in and jokingly asked if the two of them fell asleep and Nanny confessed that yes, she had fallen asleep. I think Nanny has Narcolepsy, created by Donny.
The doctor called and we had to go to the office for his H1N1 shot shortly after we returned from the party. He was a trooper and cried for just a minute. He wanted to know why the nurse put the stick on his arm, but soon forgave her and told her to make sure she went trick-or-treating.
I think Nanny will need a vacation when she leaves, Donny is wearing her out. Donny was sitting on the couch with Nanny while doing his breathing treatment. I put Nanny in charge and left to get Abigail ready for bed. The breathing treatment lasts about five minutes, so imagine how surprised I was about twelve minutes later when Donny yelled for me and asked if he was done. I came in and jokingly asked if the two of them fell asleep and Nanny confessed that yes, she had fallen asleep. I think Nanny has Narcolepsy, created by Donny.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Stinky Word
On the way home from school, Donny was repeating one of the words he his banned from using. I scolded him and he asked when he would be allowed to use that "stinky" word. I told him he could say it when he grew up and had a home of his own. He replied, "So, you don't want me around?" This kid makes my brain hurt!
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today was the local children's Halloween parade and what a day it was. From the beginning, Donny wasn't sure he wanted to wear his costume, but Abigail was dressed and ready to go. In fact, she was an angel the entire time.
I was putting Donny's costume on when his best friend arrived. That's when he decided he was going to wear his costume and be Buzz. Zoe, his best friend, was having a difficult time with the wind. It was blowing her hat off her head and that was completely unacceptable. She didn't want to hold Donny's hand because she was concerned about her hat, Donny seemed to take this in stride. Everything was going well until Donny spotted another Buzz. Donny took his costume off at that moment. He was so depressed because he wasn't the real Buzz Lightyear. I finally got him to put the costume back on, Zoe ditched the hat and we followed the parade to the bottom of the hill. Things were looking up.
The recreation director gathered everyone in a circle to do the Hokey Pokey. Donny went to the center of the circle without blinking an eye. Zoe's daddy figured out that Donny took the director literally when she said to get in a circle. When we went inside to see the magician, Donny really started to lose control. He would walk up to the magician during the show as if he was the only person in the room. The first time it was cute, after that not so much. I decided it was time to pull the plug, when I looked behind me to see Nanny practically lying on the floor trying to hold Donny who was sliding out of her arms because of his satin spacesuit. We all needed a nap and it was time to go. The entire ride home was spent trying to convince Donny that he was the real Buzz Lightyear and the other boy was just a toy. Life imitating art?
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