
Monday, September 21, 2009

Family Down

Our day to the zoo has been cancelled due to illness that is running ramped through the house. Big Daddy and Ashley have been spared the fever, running/stuffy nose and all around miserable feeling. I hope that our dear friends have a great day at the zoo and that Saturdays goodbye kiss did not pass the illness to Donny's best friend. Last year, we were on the every two weeks sick schedule, is it bumped up to one week at four? I didn't get that memo. Abigail could be the carrier. She had her first music class last week and sucked on pretty much everything the teacher passed out. What a way to start the school year.


  1. Hope everyone feels better. We just went through the same thing last week. Within 24 hours we were all sick. Whatever it is, it seems to be going around quite quickly.

  2. Hope you are all feeling better. We missed you today. It wasn't the same without you.

  3. I am sorry, but again you have to put warning labels on some of your blogs. I can tell you that hot coffee really clears your nasal passages when snorted! hope everyone feels better!!

  4. I think between Big Daddy and I we got a total of four hours sleep. Donny's breathing is pretty bad, he was asking for breathing treatments. We were very close to taking him to the ER. And in some kind of freak of nature, Abigail slept through the night and is still sleeping.
