Donny has combined two of his favorite games, taking a trip and his babies. It started the other night when he packed his clothes in the carry on and announced he was taking a flight to Ohio to visit Aunt Stephanie. His plane was located down the hall in the nursery and just as he was about to board, Big Daddy took Abigail to the nursery to change her diaper. When Big Daddy shut the door, Donny collapsed in the hallway and cried, "Daddy and Abigail went to Ohio without me. I missed the plane." I had to try and reason with him on his terms. I told him Big Daddy and Abigail were part of the flight crew and they were doing the pre-flight and when they were finished he could board the plane. He decided to buy a magazine and snack for the flight while he waited. The door finally opened and he was allowed to board. Later he repacked his suitcase with his favorite teddies to keep them safe, he even put his pajamas on one of them and packed about twenty pairs of socks for them, just in case.

Yesterday, I had to put diapers on all of his "babies." He gathered all of his stuffed animals and we made a diapering assembly line. After everyone was diapered I suggested a movie and popcorn. He lined everyone up on the couch, I served him popcorn and the next thing I knew, he was shoving popcorn in Elmo's mouth. He then proceeded to walk into the kitchen dump his bowl of popcorn on the floor and called the dog in for a snack.
At 6:00 this morning, I was informed my flight to Ohio was ready to board. This was a full flight with every diapered stuffed animal. In order to have a cup of coffee, I had to fly us to Ohio. I'm sure you have all figured out that it is going to be a VERY long day in this house.
When he starts flying to Florida, let me know I will be there!