
Saturday, October 17, 2009


I stated to write a response to Aunt Karen's comment to Really and realized it was turning into a post, so Aunt Karen here goes.....

All I have to say is that it is snowing right now!
Aunt Karen "Hooray!!! put up the christmas tree"

You are so crazy or not! I got the first of the season's Pottery Barn catalog and started decorating our pretend home for the holidays. This ritual goes back to the year Big Daddy and I lived in a very small apartment down the street from Grandma's while waiting to move up north. We basically slept at the apartment and spent the rest of the time at Grandmas. Aunt Karen and I went through a few cases of wine that year. Grandma gets many catalogs and Aunt Karen and I would spend hours designing the perfect holiday house. You know the snow Thursday made me what to string the lights, drink some Beaujolais Nouveau and cook some starches. I love the holidays and all the prep. However, I am struggling this year. I still haven't finished Donny's costume, haven't started Abigail's and can't seem to find the backup for Abigail. (Donny's pirate costume I made him.)

I missed two sewing days because I was sick. It started Thursday morning with the sniffles through the entire music class Abigail and I attend. By the time I had picked Donny up from school, I was trying to figure out a way to remove my head from my body. I don't know what happened, that cold hit me so fast I didn't see it coming. I was even going to have dinner and drinks with a dear friend, but had to cancel because I couldn't get off the couch.

This brings me to the good old days of being sick. Oh, how I long for the days when I could chug some NyQuil, slather myself in Vick's Vapor Rub and crawl under the covers until the NyQuil hangover was finished. However, since I'm still breastfeeding, I didn't think it would be good for Abigail to covered in vapor rub or to get her first alcohol high before she's one. I do have to thank Big Daddy for taking such good care of me and letting me disappear for hours at a time. I'm not sure of any of this made sense, I'm still a bit foggy. I'm sure Big Daddy will let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I remember those days of being so so sick and still having to play Mom. I would think "when kids are gone or when I get older I'm gonna sleep till noon." NOT! I guess it's hard to turn off that internal alarm system. Thanks for the pictures......cute, cute kids.
