
Monday, November 28, 2011

School Photo

I have been ripping Donny's backpack out of his hand the moment he walks off the bus for weeks. Today is the day I have been waiting for, school pictures. Donny knew what he was going to wear the day he picked out the "olden days" background. I had to get the teacher's permission so Donny could wear his hat. I love this picture, I just wish he would have smiled.   He told me he didn't smile because that is his distinguished look and that he his pretending to hold a walking stick like colonels use.

West Point

We were blessed with another beautiful day yesterday, so I had to get the kids out of the house. We took a rode trip to West Point.   I think I had more fun than the kids.  The look on Donny's face was priceless.  He could have spent the entire day at West Point.  Abigail on the other hand, lost interest after the 400th gun.  She was a very good sport and tried to show Donny all the things she thought were cool.  Donny picked out his outfit and was wearing his George Washington coat, but changed his clothes at the last minute.  I didn't tell the kids where we were going until we arrived.  Donny was so disappointed he wasn't wearing his George coat.  I wouldn't be surprised if Donny becomes a cadet in the future.

The Tree

We decorated the Christmas tree on Friday. It was so nice outside that Donny wore shorts and Abigail insisted on wearing her swim shirt. A job that would have taken me an hour alone, took roughly three hours. The kids had a story for every ornament and not one of them was true. My favorite story was about an ornament that Abigail made when she was just a little girl with her Grandma Snowflake. I think I will put the tree up alone next year.

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a great time, an excellent day with family, friends and too much food. I over cooked the turkey, but luckily we also had a ham. I could kick myself for only taking two pictures. I will do better at Christmas.


Happy 8th Birthday!!!!

She looks as thrilled as I am to be a year older.  It could be the hat Donny put on her head. Her birthdaty is actually the 22nd, but I am a week behind on blogging.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another Word

Last night at dinner, Abigail and Donny were having a discussion. Abigail was trying to explain something about her school to Donny.  When he finally figured out what she was saying, she tilted her head to the side, nodded and said, "precisely." Big Daddy and I looked at each other and tried to figure out who is teaching our children their vocabulary.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Great Pile

I was finally able to take a photo of the pile of limbs that fell during the storm a few weeks ago. Yes, it is still in the yard. I'm just happy it's all in a big pile. I'm thinking of having a Thanksgiving bonfire. Maybe we can throw the turkey on top of the pile. Burn, baby burn!

New Boots

Abigail rocks her new biker looking boots. She still loves her cowgirl boots, in fact she loves them so much Nanny bought her a new pair. Now she takes turns wearing the two pairs.


The mail lady was forced to bribe Ashley out of her mail van with a treat two weeks ago.  A few days later, Ashley was sitting in the front yard enjoying the nice weather.  I happened to look out the window when Ashley spotted the mail lady driving to our mailbox, Ashley took off down the driveway.  By the time I got there, Ashley was in a safe spot away from the road eating a pile of treats.  I guess the mail lady has fallen for Ashley just a bit.  I have found a treat top of the mail every day since.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Big Daddy took this photo of the sunset.   It is so beautiful, I thought I would share.


Donny's soccer season came to an end yesterday. Since each Saturday morning was getting colder than the last, I am happy to see it end. I'm still not sure if he is going to play next year.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Way With Words

I took Abigail to vote with me yesterday. I told Abigail we could cross voting off our list of things to do.  She yelled at me and said, "Mommy!  We are not done, we didn't float yet.  We didn't get balloons." I tried to explain that we were voting not floating.

Walking to the car this morning, Abigail said, "It sure is froggy today Mommy.  I can't see."  Am I a bad mother for not correcting her?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Today was Abigail's three year check-up.  She passed with flying colors and did very well.  The doctor asked Abigail if she had any questions, "Yes.  Do you like my boots?"  The doctor who never smiles almost fell off his chair laughing.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Abigail made it quite clear yesterday that she was not going to wear the outfit I picked for school. "NO! Mommy I'm wearing this!" Maybe I shouldn't have given in, but I had just spent fifteen minutes negotiating with General George Washington and his outfit. She wore the shirt and nightgown to bed, so I just added tights. She wore this outfit to school another time and I may have blogged about it then. Dressing her is so difficult. What will I do in a few years?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Abigail!

Donny decided we should have a royal ball for Abigail's birthday party. We all dressed as a prince or princess. We danced and played then sat down for a royal dinner and cupcakes for dessert. What a wonderful day.